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Membership Options

NCSLA is the oldest assisted living association in the state. We have been providing advocacy, support and education for the assisted living industry for over 50 years. We are a 501(c)6 business association and the Educational Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. To read more about our organization, please click the following link for a NCSLA Membership Brochure.

Our memberships are comprised of:

- Active Members are facility owners/operators/administrators who are providing adult or family care in assisted living facilities in the state of North Carolina that are licensed with DHSR. Membership fees are determined by the # of licensed beds within a category range.  Click the following link for online Member Signup to investigate membership cost per your facility for an Active Membership or click the following link for a printable NCSLA Active Membership Application.

- Associate Members are for those who are not owners or in management of a facility (like healthcare workers or non-facility administrators) who take interest in care of residents in assisted living homes (including Associate Vendors whose goods and/or services benefit assisted living facilities).  Click the following link for online Member Signup to investigate Associate Membership or click this link for a printable NCSLA Associate Membership Application.

- Honorary Members are for those who have been long-time supporters of our organization, but have retired from the industry.

- Affiliate Members are limited to any for-profit or non-profit person, firm, corporation or partnership that owns, administers, manages, or operates and assisted living homes or similar type of residence which are licensed or registered in any State of the Union other than North Carolina.

Our industry continues to change and evolve, but is serving more residents, helping more families and employing more people than ever before. Consider joining our association to stay informed, become more involved in influencing decisions and network with others within your industry and business.